Since 2008, the International Civil Aviation Organisation has mandated English as the language of the aviation industry and that critical passenger and aircraft safety related roles have a demonstrable mastery of English in the areas of aircraft construction & maintenance, airport management & operations, air traffic control, passenger care, flight crew & cockpit resource management.
Despite this and according to the EF proficiency index, the aviation industry is still ranked as low proficiency amongst its English language workforce capability. When cross referenced with country rankings, the markets targeted for the biggest airline growth over the next 20 years are also considered to have low and very low proficiency, hampering efforts to fill the requirement of over half a million pilots globally – with 50% across Asia.
With demand set to grow exponentially in routes, airports, fleet and human capital plus billions of dollars of investment, airlines will lead that demand but want to be certain they have the best talent at the controls. There has never been a better opportunity for cadets, flight schools and aviation academies & universities to grow, whilst guaranteeing that reputation for qualifying world class pilots, ATC’s and technical staff. Part of that is providing the best in class training in all disciplines and areas of specialisation to ensure they graduate as the best talent on the market.
Plain English
The supported e-learning will teach a thorough foundation and focus on general English and its elements of speaking & listening along with reading and writing. It’s 12 modules all map to the CEFR (Common European Framework for the Recognition of Languages), which is now considered the global benchmark for measuring any language development. Once enrolled, you are assigned to your level of English after taking a placement test will be supported throughout by a coach and tutor who liaises regularly.
Aviation English
This highly specialised radiotelephony communications between pilot and air traffic controller, known as Aviation English, is used only in-flight. It emphasises speaking and listening skills. It has a focus on several key phrases, structure, elocution, comprehension and the use of plain English. This is because the pilot and controller cannot rely on visual clues, are only able to speak one at a time and the majority of speakers will be non-native.
Our course
Our course teaches the foundation of good English and augments it with aviation specific terms. Whether you’re a pilot, air traffic controller, cabin crew, aircraft engineer or in airport management, this course will give a solid foundation of general and industry specific English.
The course is divided into 12 modules. Two modules combine to make up one level of the CEFR (excluding B1). If you took the full course it can help you progress from CEFR level A1 to level C1. If you study as recommended, you can expect to complete a module in three months – this is equivalent to advancing a level of the CEFR in six months.
Each module includes learning, exercises and tests which work together to grow and test comprehension and improve your ability. There are at least 50 hours of learning available in each module, more in the higher levels, along with many additional resources. These create a fully involved learning experience, which is unlike any other course provider.
An integrated English test at the start of the course will help to place you at the correct starting module. For example, if your current level of English is A2 then the test will place you into Module 5. It’s important that you start with the most relevant module – if you start too low you will find the course too easy but start to high and you will not learn as quickly as you are able.
In addition to the core English language e-learning, we have additional specialised e-learning for pilots and air traffic controllers, specifically designed to help prepare for the language fluency test required by the ICAO.
The material has been authenticated by pilots, air traffic controllers and aviation English trainers both in English speaking countries and in countries such as Spain & Brazil, in Asia and the Middle East.
As well as digital reading material, the course Audio CD includes a variety of realistic interchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers. There is also one to one coaching with an aviation English specialist if needed.
You can join small online classes in general English as well as Aviation English. In addition to this you can take one to one tuition with expert English tutors, helping you to hone your skills and discuss real life situations in order to master grammar, pronunciation and context.
Who is this course for?
This course is suitable for flight cadets, pilots needing to refresh their English, air traffic controllers, cabin crew, aircraft engineers and those in airport and aircraft management.
Prior experience
The more general English you can speak the better, however, that’s not essential. We can teach from the very basics through to full fluency in both English and Aviation English.